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On Lincoln

by dan on January 12, 2013

Amid all the talk about Spielberg’s movie about Lincoln, I thought I’d share the back-story to the movie and sketch out Lincoln’s earlier positions on slavery. In 1861, Lincoln expressed his belief that slavery was legal and constitutional, and he expressed supported the passage of a Constitutional amendment to clarify that legal position.  In his […]

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Why I write about slavery

by dan on February 25, 2011

A few days ago, I recieved an interesting email through this website.  Debra wrote, “First, honestly and exactly what is your true motivation for having chosen to study slavery in American? Second, what is your religion and the background of your American and European ancestors? Third, should you be unwilling to honestly answer my two […]

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Thank You – and what you can do to help

by dan on February 22, 2011

I wanted to write and thank you for your wonderful emails and support for my book, American Uprising: The Untold Story of America’s Largest Slave Revolt. I’ve been so honored and uplifted by your reactions and I could not have imagined a better response. I set out to publish this book with two overriding goals […]

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A Re-Trial

by dan on February 9, 2011

group of organizations in New Orleans, led by the Greater New Orleans Louis A. Martinet Legal Society, will be hosting a re-trial of the slave rebels who fought and died for their freedom in 1811.  I wish I was down in New Orleans to see this amazing event!  Congratulations to all the sponsors on bringing […]

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New York Times Bestseller!

by dan on January 30, 2011

I was thrilled to find American Uprising on the New York Times bestseller list. Thank you to everyone who has bought the book – I’m really thrilled that the story is catching on.

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